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Oncore-post-201910-post-3-img-1-350x175-3At Oncore, our goal is to inspire and enable the global workforce to enjoy the freedom of contracting and flexible work.


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Salary & Super


Salary & Super

Am I eligible to claim my monthly service bills for phone and internet?

If you use your personal mobile phone or home internet for work purposes (i.e making business calls from your mobile or working from home), you may be able to claim a portion of your monthly service bill/s.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include: 

  • Internet
  • Mobile Phone
  • Work Landline

Mobile phone, internet and landline charges paid for by you are claimable to the extent of the applicable business usage. 

You must ensure:

  • The service bill must include your name
  • A tax invoice is required to verify the claimed amount. Please note that only the new charges added to a service bill are claimable. This excludes connection charges, late fees or credit card surcharges.
  • You cannot have also claimed the Working From Home Fixed Rate Method ($0.67/hour), as this rate includes service bill costs. 

Records to Support Your Business-Related Use

If your phone, data and internet use for work is incidental and you're not claiming more than $50.00 in total per financial year, you do not need to keep records.

To claim a deduction of more than $50.00, you need to keep records to show your business-related use.

Records you keep may include diary entries, including electronic records, and bills. Evidence that your employer expects you to work at home or make work-related calls from home will also help you show your entitlement to claim a deduction.

How to work out your business-related use

Incidental use
If your work use is incidental and you are not claiming a deduction of more than $50.00 in total, you do not need to keep records and you may make a claim based on the following, without having to analyse your bills:

$0.25 for work calls made from your landline
$0.75 for work calls made from your mobile
$0.10 for text messages sent from your mobile.

Usage is itemised on your bills
If you have a phone plan with an itemised bill, you need to work out your percentage of work use over a four-week representative period, which you can then apply to the full year.

Usage is not itemised on your bills
If you have a phone plan where you don’t receive an itemised bill, you determine your work use by keeping a record of all your calls over a four-week representative period and then calculate your claim using a reasonable basis.

Bundled phone and internet plans
Phone and internet services are often bundled. If you are claiming deductions for work-related use of one or more services, you need to apportion your costs based on your work use for each service.

If other members in your household also use the services, you need to take into account their use in your calculation.

If you are unsure if your use of these services constitutes business use, or you need some guidance to determine the percentage you may be able to claim, please follow this link to the ATO website for more information.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

Can I Claim any of the Expenses I have Incurred for Business Travel?

If you have traveled or are required to travel for business purposes and your end client has not already reimbursed you for the associated costs, you may be eligible to claim them through Oncore's Salary Packaging service.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Accommodation
  • Business Flight
  • Car Rental
  • Daily Travel Allowance
  • Parking & Tolls
  • Public Transport
  • Taxis
  • A range of expenses are available to be claimed when you travel for work-related purposes
  • One business trip can incur a range of relevant expenses and, where it involves an overnight stay, a travel allowance for meals and incidentals is available
  • The travel needs to be primarily for business purposes and to a location that is alternative to your usual place of business
  • Travel to your usual place of business from your home is not claimable
  • Receipts are required to verify the claimed amount (travel allowance excepted)
  • Additional guidelines follow, however, please contact Oncore for further clarification

Car Rental

  • The short term rental of a car (and associated fuel), required to facilitate business travel to a secondary location, is claimable
  • Where the rental period is greater than a week, a log book needs to be maintained
  • A rental agreement is required to verify the claimed amount as well as a tax invoice substantiating the charges incurred.

Daily Travel Allowance

  • An allowance for meals and incidentals is available to be claimed on overnight business travel (to a location other than your primary business location)
  • The work performed whilst traveling needs to be directly billable to the end client. If not, a clear explanation is required which outlines the nature of the travel and its relevant connection to your contracted employment
  • No receipts are required however, it is expected that associated expenditure will be claimed which verifies the travel period (flights, accommodation, etc)
  • Where the end client has paid for any associated expenditure, please declare this on the claim form where required

Parking & Tolls

  • Parking and Tolls are only claimable where they have been incurred in travel to a secondary business location
  • Travel expenses incurred in your daily commute are not claimable (including any parking or tolls)

International Travel 

You are required to advise us of any overseas business travel. There are more stringent compliance requirements and variables which require we have a better understanding of the situation.

The following questions are asked to help identify and calculate the claimable component of any overseas trip:

  • What is the nature of the work being performed?
  • Is the client being billed for the work?
  • If not, has the client requested the work be undertaken?
  • What is the expected duration of the work component?
  • What is the total duration of the trip?
  • Does the trip have a private component?
  • Is the client providing any allowance or paying for any related expenses?

Where the travel is for self-education purposes (i.e. Course/Conference/Seminar) the additional questions are asked:

  • What is the nature of the activity being undertaken?
  • How is it related to your current employment?
  • Is this activity available to be undertaken closer to home (is there a similar course offered locally etc)?
  • If so, why is it being undertaken overseas?
  • Documentary evidence is required to verify the claim (including a course outline/itinerary where applicable)
  • A travel diary is required if the trip is greater than five nights (including transit time)

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

Can I Claim Any Relocation Costs I Have Incurred?

If you have relocated to undertake your current contract through Oncore, please contact us for a consultation and we will be able to advise if you are eligible to claim your relocation expenses thorough Oncore's Salary Packaging service.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Preparation Flight
  • Relocation Flight and Final Flight Home
  • Travel other than a Flight
  • Connection of Utilities
  • Relocation Consultant
  • Shipping/Removal or Storage
  • Temporary Accommodation
  • Costs incidental to the sale and/or purchase of a home

This expense category is only available upon consultation with Oncore and for those contractors who have relocated for the direct purpose of performing their contracted assignment. The following guidelines are relevant.

Preparation Flight

  • Flight costs, including meals and accommodation en route, for both you and your family, incurred for the purpose of finding suitable accommodation at the new work location, are claimable
  • Prior to having taken the flight, acceptance of the role (requiring relocation for) must have occurred
  • Only the cost of a direct route is claimable. In the event you have taken an alternative route (or a delayed route), an equivalent cost of a direct route will be calculated
  • Receipts are required to verify the claimed amount

Relocation Flight and Final Flight Home

  • Flight costs for both you and your family, including meals and accommodation enroute, are claimable
  • The relocation flight must have been taken within a month of your contract start date
  • The final flight home must have been taken within a month of your contract end date
  • Only the cost of a direct route is claimable. In the event you have taken an alternative route (or a delayed route), then an equivalent cost of a direct route will be calculated
  • All expenses must be verified by receipts

Travel other than a Flight

  • Where you undertake relocation travel in your own car, you can claim the kilometers traveled at the ATO approved rate which is currently 72 cents per kilometer. An additional declaration is required to claim this. Please contact us via email prior to claiming this expense, so we can provide you with the ‘Relocation Transport Declaration’
  • For travel by bus, train or taxi, a tax invoice is required which verifies the claimed amount
  • Meals and accommodation en route are also claimable
  • However, only the cost of a direct route is claimable. In the event you have taken an alternative route (or a delayed route), then an equivalent cost of a direct route will be calculated


Connection of Utilities

  • The connection of utilities (telephone, gas, electricity) at the new location is claimable
  • The connection needs to have been incurred within 12 months of your contract start date
  • A receipt is required to verify the claimed amount

Relocation Consultant

  • The cost of hiring a relocation consultant to assist with the initial relocation or the return relocation home is claimable provided the contracted assignment was finalised prior to the engagement of the consultant
  • A receipt is required to verify the claimed amount

Shipping/Removal or Storage

  • Costs relevant to the removal, shipping, storage, packing, unpacking and insurance of household items (including pets), which are kept primarily for the personal use of you and your family are claimable
  • Costs relating to the initial relocation need to have been incurred within 12 months of your contract start date in order to be claimable
  • Receipts are required to verify the claimed amount

Temporary Accommodation

  • Temporary accommodation (hotel, motel, serviced apartment) is claimable where it is required solely due to your relocation from your usual place of residence in order to commence your contracted assignment
  • Receipts are required to verify the claimed amount
  • Further guidelines follow

Temporary accommodation at former location:

  • Where factors relating to the relocation make it impractical for you to remain at the former home, temporary accommodation can be claimed provided the accommodation commenced within 21 days of your contract start date at the new location

Temporary accommodation at a new location:

  • Temporary accommodation at the new location can be claimed for a period of 4 months starting from 7 days prior to your contract start date
  • Throughout the claim period, you need to be making sustained and reasonable efforts to buy or lease suitable long-term accommodation
  • If upon the 4 month period expiring, you still haven’t found suitable long-term accommodation, please consult your client service manager

Costs incidental to the sale and/or purchase of a home

  • Expenses incurred in selling or purchasing a home as a result of a work relocation may be claimable
  • The expenses are limited to stamp duty, advertising, legal fees, agent commission, discharge of mortgage and borrowing expenses
  • Further guidelines follow. You need to contact Oncore if you feel your circumstances may justify a claim
  • In relation to the sale of the home at the former residence, the expenses can only be claimed if all of the following apply:
    • The sale was made solely as a result of you changing your usual place of residence in order to carry out employment-related duties
    • The house was owned when you first relocated to the new locality to perform those duties
    • The house was your usual place of residence
    • The sale was settled within two years of your contract start date at the new locality
    • Each expense can be substantiated by written documentation

In relation to the purchase of a home at the new location, the expenses can only be claimed if all of the following apply:

  • The purchase was made solely as a result of your relocation to another job locality
  • The new home is occupied as your usual place of residence
  • The contract to purchase was made and settled within four years of your contract start date at the new location
  • You did own a home at the former locality
  • The home at the former locality was sold or is proposed to be sold within two years of your contract start date at the new locality
  • Each expense can be substantiated by written documentation

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions. 

Can I Claim My Income Protection Insurance Premium?

If you hold an income protection insurance policy, you may be eligible to claim the cost of the premiums you pay through Oncore's Salary Packaging Service.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Premiums paid on an income protection insurance policy
  • Insurance which covers you for the temporary loss of income due to accident or illness is claimable
  • Some policies include a life insurance component. Only the income protection insurance component is claimable in this case. Please note, if income protection insurance is held through your super fund, this will not be claimable.
  • A current copy of the income protection policy is required to claim this expense. Please ensure you provide us with an updated policy document at the time of renewal or if any changes are made.
  • Please note where multiple types of insurance are held in the same policy, we require confirmation of the portion that relates to income protection as no other insurances are claimable.
  • To claim this expense, we also require proof of payment which can be in the form of an extract from your bank statement.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

How To Submit Your Eligible Expenses

Submitting your expenses is simple, and can be done via the Online Portal where you submit your Oncore timesheets.

To submit your expenses, please see our video demonstration. Alternatively, follow the steps outlined below.



To Submit your Salary Packaged Expense Claims

  1. Log into the Oncore Portal
  2. Select Packaged Expenses under the Work Entry heading
  3. Select your relevant Employment, and click Add New Packaged Claim
  4. Set the date range to the period that your expenses have been incurred in, and click Add Expense Item
  5. Select the relevant expense type from the dropdown menu, and enter the details relating to your expense. Please ensure you update the % work related to accurately represent the business use percentage of your claim, and provide a brief description of the expense
  6. Click save, and repeat this process until all expense items relating to your claim have been added.
  7. Under Upload Receipt, please upload copies of your receipts and substantiating documentation for your claim by clicking Add File.
  8. You can save your expense claim and return to it at any time while you are working on it, however, once your claim has been finalised, please click Submit Expense to send your expense through to Oncore for review and processing.

Please note: it generally takes between 3-5 business days for packaged expenses to be reviewed by our accountants to be ready for your next pay.

To Submit your Client Paid Expense Claims

  1. Log into the Oncore Portal
  2. Select Claim a Client Expense under the Work Entry heading
  3. Select your relevant Contract, and click Add New Client Expense Claim
  4. Set the date range to the period that your expenses have been incurred in, and click Add Client Paid Expense Item
  5. Select the relevant expense type from the dropdown menu, and enter the details relating to your expense. Please ensure you update the % work related to accurately represent the business use percentage of your claim, and provide a brief description of the expense
  6. Click save, and repeat this process until all expense items relating to your claim have been added.
  7. Under Upload Receipt, please upload copies of your receipts and substantiating documentation for your claim by clicking Add File.
  8. You can save your expense claim and return to it at any time while you are working on it, however, once your claim has been finalised, please click Submit Claim.
Payment Advice Assistance - FAQ's

Where do I find my payment advice?

You can access payment advice by logging into Oncore’s Online Portal. Your personalised login credentials and web link will have been issued to you in your welcome email.

You can reset your password via the login page, or once you have logged into the portal via the “Profile” menu option.

Once logged in, to view or download your payment advice go to:

“Reports” on the top menu

Select “Payment Advice” from the drop down options

Select to view or download payment advice

Payment advice is available for download from approximately 4pm on the day that the corresponding payment has been made.

The rate on my payment advice doesn’t match my contract?

If you are engaged as a PAYG worker, then the Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) rate displayed on your payment advice is shown exclusive of the superannuation guarantee contribution component. Check to see if the rate on your contract includes superannuation. 

If your contract with Oncore indicates that you are paying a fee to leverage some or all of Oncore’s services, then this fee is deducted from your rate as a pre-tax earning. Therefore, the rate that is displayed on your payment advice will be less the requisite Oncore fee.

I can see my payment advice online, but the funds aren’t in my account yet?

Payment advice is available for download from approximately 4pm on the day that the corresponding payment has been made. At this stage, the funds have been authorised and batched from Oncore’s account. 

Payments are usually receipted by the receiving financial institution by the next business day. We would generally anticipate that you would have funds in your account the morning after your pay has been processed. 

Salary Sacrificing to Super

What is Salary Sacrifice to Super?

At Oncore, as a service to our contractors, we offer the option to make additional pre-tax contributions to your superannuation funds, through a salary sacrifice arrangement.

A salary sacrifice arrangement is an agreement with your employer, whereby you nominate to forgo a portion of your pre-tax salary and have it instead contributed into your super fund.

For more information on salary sacrificing to super, please see this link to the ATO website.

To determine if salary sacrificing is a good fit for you, we recommend that prior to entering a salary sacrifice arrangement, you consult your financial advisor.

How Can I Salary Sacrifice to Super?

To commence your salary sacrifice arrangement, please see the Salary Sacrifice to Super Form attached to this article.

If you could please complete and return this form, nominating the dollar amount you would like to sacrifice per period in addition to the standard superannuation guarantee contribution (SGC) amount, we can organise this. We request that a dollar amount please be specified as your salary sacrifice amount to avoid any ambiguity at the time of processing.

While a contractor is salary sacrificing to super, we also offer to transition them onto our monthly superannuation contributions cycle. If you would like your super processed monthly while salary sacrificing, rather than quarterly, please let us know at the time of returning your form and we will be able to arrange this.

Please return your completed form to our team at Please also note that we have a 48-hour turnaround time in processing your request, from the time that your form is received.

What if I Want to Vary or Cancel my Salary Sacrifice Arrangement?

You can vary the amount you are salary sacrificing, or even cancel your arrangement at any time by completing and returning another copy of our salary sacrifice to super form.

For instance, if you wish to cancel your salary sacrifice arrangement, simply complete your details on the form and state that you wish to salary sacrifice "$0". If you are looking to vary your request, state the new dollar amount you would like to sacrifice per period in addition to the standard SGC, and we will organise this.

Return your updated form to our team at and we will process your request.

Superannuation Basics

How Much Super Does My Salary Attract?

As your employer, we are required to contribute to your super fund an amount of 10.50% of your ordinary time earnings every 3 months. These contributions are classified as Super Guarantee Contributions (SGC) and are calculated pre-tax, therefore counting toward your concessional contributions cap.

When Are My Super Contributions Paid to My Fund?

While super is accrued at each pay cycle, we process our superannuation contributions quarterly, in line with ATO regulations. Our quarterly contributions will consist of any super accrued on the salary payments that have been processed to you within the prior quarter.

Please see payment due dates for quarterly superannuation contributions below.

Screenshot 2023-05-05 at 15.03.29

Can I Make Additional Contributions to my Super Fund?

Yes! At Oncore we offer our contractors the option to make additional pre-tax contributions to your superannuation funds, through a salary sacrifice arrangement.

Please see our article relating to Salary Sacrificing to your Super Fund for more information on this.

What is the Concessional Contributions Cap?

The concessional contributions cap for 2023FY is $27,500 for everyone, regardless of age. Concessional contributions are those contributions that are made to your fund before tax, such as any SGC or Salary Sacrifice contributions.

The date that your contributions relate to is based on when these are received by your fund, not when they are accrued or paid. It is important to take this into consideration with regards to your concessional contributions cap, as the super accrued in the April – June quarter is not required to be paid to your fund until the 28th of July. This will, therefore, relate to the next Financial Year.

If you exceed your cap, the excess will be included in your assessable income when you lodge your tax return for the year and will be taxed at your marginal tax rate. You will also incur an additional interest charge from your super fund for exceeding this cap. You will be entitled to a 15% tax offset to compensate you for the tax that you have already paid on this amount in your super fund.

As a courtesy, our compliance team monitors the concessional contributions that Oncore has processed to our contractor's super funds each Financial Year. If any contractor is approaching this cap, they will be alerted by our team and provided with options to potentially avoid exceeding the cap.

What am I eligible to claim under the Tools & Equipment category?

Any work related item that you purchase may be eligible to be claimed under this category if it does not have a specific category and set of criteria to claim by.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Various expense items that are less than $330 (Inc GST)
  • Purchases for less than $330 (inc GST) for any work-related item can be claimed under this expense category for their declared business usage
  • Where an item exceeds $330, it will need to be claimed in your individual tax return as it becomes subject to depreciation. Please consult with your tax accountant
  • A tax invoice is required to verify the claimed amount

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What Car Related Expenses Can I Claim?

If you use your personal motor vehicle for work purposes, you may be able to claim some of the expenses associated with this travel. Please note, this claim category is only available upon consultation with Oncore.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • All associated car running expenditure including lease repayments
  • Fuel
  • Registration
  • Insurance
  • Maintenance & Repairs

There are two (2) methods available to you for the purpose of claiming your work-related car expenditure. These methods are available on any car used by you for work purposes which are owned or leased by you. These claim methods are not available for the following kind of vehicles:

  • a vehicle with a carrying capacity of one tonne or more, such as a utility truck or panel van (please contact us to see if there is an alternative method)
  • a vehicle with a carrying capacity of nine or more passengers
  • a motorcycle 

The method that best suits you will depend on how you use your car for work purposes. A member of our compliance team will be happy to assist in selecting the best method for you based on your circumstances.

Further guidelines follow for each respective claim method.

Method 1: Cents per km

  • A rate of 78 cents per kilometre applies for from 1 July 2020 onwards
  • The rate takes into account all car running expenditure such as fuel, registration, and insurance. No other car expense claims are accepted when claiming via this method
  • The number of business kilometres claimed for a respective financial year cannot exceed 5,000
  • Home to work commuting is not classified as business travel
  • No receipts are required by Oncore, however, the ATO may request that you show how you determined the business kilometres claimed. This may include producing diary records of work-related trips.

Method 2: Log Book

  • A logbook is required to be maintained for a 12 week period which substantiates a business usage percentage
  • This percentage is then applied against the car’s total running expenditure to calculate the claim amount
  • Expenses for depreciation or interest on finance are only claimable in situations where the vehicle is purchased outright without the involvement of a novated lease
  • Depreciation will be calculated on a monthly basis and applied to your taxable income
  • Interest on loans will be required to be substantiated through a formal document such as a bank statement confirming the interest on the loan that is being claimed.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What Education Related Expenses Can I Claim?

If you undertake further education or study during the course of your contract with Oncore, you may be eligible to claim these expenses through our Salary Packaging service.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Courses
  • Conferences and Seminars

Any claimed education expenses must have sufficient connection to your current employment

  • In order for a course or education expense to have sufficient connection to your employment:
    • It must maintain or improve the specific skills or knowledge you need in your current work activities
    • It will result in or is likely to result in, an increase in your income from your current employment
  • If a course study is too general in terms of your current income-earning activities, the necessary connection between the self-education expense and your income-earning activity does not exist
  • Seminars, conferences or education workshops, including formal education courses provided by professional associations, can be claimed as deductible expenses.

To substantiate your claim, please provide an itinerary, course outline, or a detailed explanation confirming the connection between the course and your role within your current employment. A tax invoice will also be required.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What Equipment Lease Expenses Can I Claim?

If you lease a piece of equipment that you are going to be using to help facilitate your current contract through Oncore, you may be eligible to claim the rental expenses through our Salary Packaging Service.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • The lease of any work-related equipment

In order to claim this expense, we require the following:

  • An explanation confirming the work-related purpose of the item
  • A current copy of the lease agreement. Please ensure we receive an updated copy of the lease agreement if renewed or changes are made to the arrangement.
  • We also require proof of payment which can be in the form of an extract from your bank statement confirming the agreed regular amount has been paid.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What Expenses Can I Claim If I am Eligible For LAFHA?

If you think you may be eligible to receive compensation for living away from home, please contact us for a consultation.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Related Expenses include:

  • Relocation costs

This expense category is only available upon consultation with Oncore and to those contractors who are eligible for the living away from home allowance. Living away from home allowance is an allowable tax deduction to compensate an employee who incurs additional expenses, as a result of being temporarily required to live away from their normal place of residence to perform their employment duties.

To be eligible to receive this benefit, all of the following conditions must be met:

  • The employee maintains a home in Australia at which they usually reside and
  • The employee must provide a declaration about living away from home and
  • The employee is limited under current FBT legislation, to a 12 month period of this benefit per location of employment. The 12 month period will reset when the above requirements are met, but the location is different. The new location will only be considered a new location if it is unreasonable to expect you to travel to and from work from the location at which you previously received the living away from home allowance.

To maintain a home in Australia, all of the following must apply:

  • the employee or their spouse must have an ownership interest in a home by way of a mortgage or a rental agreement
  • that home must be available for their immediate use and enjoyment at all times while they are living away from it, and
  • it is reasonable to expect that the employee will resume living at that home when they are no longer living away from home for the purposes of their employment.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What FBT Exempt Items Can I Claim?

Contractors have the opportunity to claim the purchase of a new device, if it’s primary purpose is to enable them to undertake their duties within their current contract.

As these devices are FBT Exempt Items, as an employer related tax, Oncore will use their discretion, in accordance with FBT legislation, in determining the eligibility and reasonableness of your claim.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Briefcase or Laptop Bag
  • Laptop
  • Mobile Phone
  • PDA
  • Tablet
  • Software

The following are some of the criteria that need to be met. It is recommended that you review these criteria before purchasing a new device that you may wish to claim.

  • The item must be primarily for use in your employment
  • A practical explanation outlining the anticipated business use of the item is required (briefcase excluded)
  • A tax invoice is required to verify the claimed amount
  • Where items have a substantially identical function, only one item is claimable per FBT year (1 April – 31 March) unless the item is a replacement item.

Oncore maintains a policy that is both in accordance with ATO guidelines and reason, and as such, our expense team will review and assess the reasonableness of:

  • the timing of your purchase in relation to your contract - we can only accept items purchased at least more than 2 months from the date of your contract ending
  • the expenditure of the item/s claimed

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What Home Office Expenses Can I Claim?

If as part of your current contract through Oncore, you are required to work from home, you may be eligible to claim some of the associated additional running expenses through our Salary Packaging Service.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • home and mobile internet or data expenses
  • mobile and home phone usage expenses
  • electricity and gas (energy expenses) for heating, cooling and lighting
  • stationery and computer consumables, such as printer ink and paper

WFH Fixed Rate Method – 67 cents per hour

  • This expense category applies where you incur additional running expenses working from your home office.
  • A fixed rate of 67 cents per hour for use of a home-based office can be claimed. This rate encompasses all of the above-mentioned expenses - home and mobile internet, home and mobile phone usage, energy expenses stationery and computer consumables. If you are using this method, you cannot make additional claims for these expense items.
  • Expenses outside of this rate such as office equipment can be claimed (within the allowable limit of $330 including GST) via the Tools & Equipment category or Miscellaneous.
  • Occupancy costs such as rent, interest on mortgage or council rates and house insurance premiums cannot be claimed. Where the home is used as a place of business these expenses may be deductible on your personal tax return
  • The ATO requires that you keep records of the actual hours worked from your home throughout the year. They also require that you keep at least one record (e.g. service bill) for each of the additional running expenses included in the rate that you incur.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

What Other Expenses Can I Claim?

If your business expenses do not fit under any of the categories we have listed already, you may be eligible to claim them under our miscellaneous category.

Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc. 

These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.

Relevant Expenses include:

  • Airport Lounge Membership
  • Books, Magazines, and Newspapers
  • Donations
  • Equipment Service & Repairs
  • Memberships
  • Office Supplies
  • Postage
  • Stationery
  • Expenses claimed must be related to the nature of your work
  • Expenses of a private, domestic or capital nature (i.e. an item over the value of $330 inc GST) cannot be claimed
  • A tax invoice is required to verify the claimed amount
  • Where applicable, the tax invoice needs to be in your name
  • Donations need to have been made to a recognised deductible gift recipient in order for it to be claimable.

If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.

When Will I Receive my Payment Summary?

The way employers are required to report your tax information has changed.

In 2018, the government introduced a new initiative called Single Touch Payroll (STP) which is a reporting requirement for employers.

Each day, after we have paid you, we submit your tax information to the ATO. This will enable you to obtain your Payment Summary Information, now referred to as your Income Statement, at any given time by logging into your MyGov account and selecting ATO.

Your tax information does not need to be finalised, or "Tax Ready", until the 14th of July. If for tax purposes, you require your information sooner and you agree with the figures that are stated (by comparison to the YTD information on your final payslip for the Financial Year), you may use this information before it is marked Tax Ready.

We cannot guarantee that this information will not change prior to being finalised, however, it is highly unlikely any changes will occur.

For more information regarding this initiative, please refer to this link to the ATO website.

I need to change the timesheet that I just submitted

If you have entered your timesheet incorrectly such as including a public holiday when you shouldn't have or if you input 8 hours instead of 9 hours and you have already hit the submit button, please contact us via email on or via phone on 1300 654 484.  We can revert your timesheet back to an edited version from our end.

Where can I find my payslips?

Payslips are available via your online portal using the login credentials you were provided with at the time of onboarding.  You can access these via:

Have your Username and Password ready

Log in to Online Portal

Click on "Reports" Tab

Select "Payment Advice" option

They can be accessed after 4 pm on the day we process your payment and can be sorted from oldest to newest, can be downloaded to PDF or printed.  They are available at any time even after your contract has ended.

What is the difference between a packaged expense and a client paid expense?

A packaged expense is a work-related expense that you can submit to offset your taxable income which in turn, reduces the amount of tax you pay. It generally takes between 3-5 business days for packaged expenses to be reviewed by our accountants to be ready for your next pay.

A client paid expense is an expense you have incurred whilst on a contract that you require and have been authorised to obtain full reimbursement for. A client paid expense is paid to you once the invoice we've sent on your behalf to the end client has been paid.

How to reset my password?


  • Type your email address into the "Email" field & click Submit.


  • The new password will be sent to your email.

Get in touch with a member of our team

We're just a click or call away. If you have any questions or need assistance, reach out to our team, and we'll be ready to assist you promptly and efficiently.